
Pastoral Department

  • There has been an increase in the number ofnew members recruited. The department has over – baptized Christians
  • There has been a full time Pastoral Coordinator from 24th June 2010
  • DOM has the highest ordination of deacons in the country
  • Total number of 800 catechists at the Diocese
  • Increase in the number of Local Priests. The number of Diocesan Priests has increased from 104 in 2006 to 165 in 2016

 Biblical Apostolate Department

  • The department has trained 700 TOTs in 45 Parishes.

 Education Department

  • There has been marked increase in the number of primary and secondary schools. Education Policy documents were launched to guide all education activities.
  • Decentralization of the management of education and information has been achieved.
  • A project on behavioural change in primary schools was launched in 2007 and 97 schools with 115, 165 reached.
  • The Bishop created a Chaplaincy Programme in schools to attend to pastoral issues. Two have been started already with three officially appointed Chaplains
  • Launching of a Catholic Principals Association for identity building
  • There has been an increase in the number of donors who support schools.
  • There has been formation of Catholic Schools Board of Management in line with GOK policy

 Medical Department

  • Since 2011 the number of health institutions/units have increased. Two more hospitals were established raising the number to three while one Cottage Hospital was closed down reducing the number to two. Two more dispensaries were built increasing the number to thirty eight while no Nursing School was established but several programmes were established alongside the institution.
  • Sustainability: – The department is well structured with 80-85% of the facilities functioning within their own resources.
  • Policy development: – the department has embraced working on policies where three policies have been developed and enshrined in the Strategic Plan. These policies include the Human Resource (HR) policy, Medical policy and HIV/AIDS work policy.
  • Provision of quality health care services – this has improved with 80% of health care services that are well coordinated and only second to Government of Kenya (GoK).

Water Department

  • Accessibility: – there has been extensive effort to expand the existing water projects. Between 2006 and 2010 water beneficiaries have increased from 292,000 to 560,400 households. This is over 40% increase in water provision.
  • Quality: – Two water treatment tanks have been constructed.
  • Reliability/sustainability: – Capacity building of the 12 projects has been done and staff have also been trained on operations, sanitation and hygiene and maintenance.
  • Establishment of Diocese of Meru Water and Sanitation Services (DOMWASS) to cater for all water projects has improved water management in the diocese.
  • There has been a reduction in water borne diseases to 4% from 6% in 2009.

Children Sponsorship Programme

  • Counselling sessions and parent participation has improved enrolment, retention, and discipline in schools have also improved.
  • Empowerment of parents and guardians has enhanced ownership/independence of programmes at the family level.
  • Establishment of a home in 2007 for orphaned girls in Marimba. Currently with ___ children. Another home was opened in April 2008 for children living with HIV/AIDS Children.
  • The department is in the process of coming up with child protection policy among others.
  • Over 1000 children have benefited from scholarships.

Services for the Poor in Adaptive Rehabilitation Kinship (SPARK)

  • The bottom up approach where the community comes to SPARK for eye care has increased community participation.
  • Partnership with the University of Nairobi (UON) and UDPK has improved the quality of services to the community.
  • Staff have been capacitated to provide high quality services hence improved programme visibility.
  • 10 tanks have been built to address trachoma. This has decreased the number of cases. As a result, there has been no active trachoma thus the department encourages hygiene.
  • Self Help Groups for people with disabilities (PWDs) have been established to train them on leadership and governance. Most of these groups get grants/support from GoK and are involved in community development.

 Alternative Rite of Passage Advocacy Project – ARPAP

  • A curriculum was developed in 2006 after a successful pilot of the project.
  • Expansion from 3 to 30 parishes in 2010.
  • TOT training was held for 29 pastors and implementation of the project done.
  • Training of 1,047 girls across the Diocese on ARPAP since 2007.
  • Development of advocacy materials e.g. t-shirts, posters among others have been used to increase human rights awareness whose impact is decreased incidences of human rights violation.
  • Conflict resolution (border conflict): – partnerships have been established with Government departments.

Catechism Department

  • Positive spirit where Catechists have appreciated themselves.
  • Development of better teaching and preaching skills
  • Some have been absorbed into Provincial Administration.

Food Security Programme (Livelihood/Agriculture)

  • Projects have grown to four and the 3,000 households targeted has risen to 20,900.
  • The department has facilitated improved farming and strategic linkages.
  • The department is working with GoK in promotion of orphaned crops e.g. pumpkins
  • Improved livestock breeding e.g. breeding of goats to over 250 households and animal health management in the community e.g. extension officers.
  • Promotion of dipping as an aspect in animal health improvement. Four dips are operational.


  • The department was started in May 2010 and targets the marginalized areas
  • Total of 49 groups with 898 members (613 female and 285 male)
  • Membership of 364,670 members
  • Total of 362,468 loans
  • The department has a projection of 160%

Communications Department

  • DOM website has been developed
  • Formation of an editorial board for the newsletter

Finance and Human Resource Department

  • Establishment ofan office of stewardship and policy/guidelines on reporting formats.
  • All priests are trained in financial management.
  • Every Parish was instructed to establish a finance committee.
  • Establishment of a Finance Council at DOM level on budgeting and planning which is renewed.
  • Development of a Strategic Plan for the coordination and facilitation of DOM activities to engage the different departments of the Diocese. The Caritas Strategic Plan (2009/2013) was developed under this.